
Showing posts from February, 2015

Mobile Development on iphones, weird font sizes and -webkit-text-size-adjust

There are issues with CSS displays for iphones and mobile devices where the browsers are increasing the size of seemingly random pieces of content. This occurs when the browser tries to shrink the content into the screen size. This is resolved by starting development in a greenfield site with the normalize.css which resets the defaults to so that you can start from scratch and build consistent CSS! The main issue turns out to be the CSS attribute  -webkit-text-size-adjust  which will be reset to 100% (there are similar attributes  -ms-text-size-adjust for the other browser types). Of course best practice would be to not use any px measurements also so that the screen can shrink and expand naturally.

SQL Common Table Expression (CTE) Date Ranges with recursive Transact SQL Queries

Now often I've got to product different date ranges of reports (ok always), such as quarterly, monthly, weekly (starting on a Monday!) and by Financial Year. With application programmers liking to build massive amounts of code to loop through dates and repeatedly query the database where as I like to be able to see the data before I design any reports, I was always copy pasting a CTE query template I had for day by day, month by month etc reports. After losing my template, I decided to write the template as a function return a table data type, which then lets me just select the function in my query like so; select vdr.theRangeStart, vdr.theRangeEnd from viewDateRange('MONTH', '20121105', '20130605') vdr Note that the results of this look odd at the start and the end; which is by design; theRangeStart        theRangeEnd 2012-11-05 00:00:00.000    2012-12-01 00:00:00.000 2012-12-01 00:00:00.000    2013-01-01 00:00:00.000 2013-01-...

Find and kill a SQL query

The ColdFusion calls to external systems will just hang around FOREVER waiting for a reply, until the server just gives up! This is because like any good application software, it can't really be sure that it "should" be able to terminate any connection it is waiting for in case it is waiting for something really important (maybe a booking receipt, or credit card payment receipt!!). Clearly some will be outside your control, but when a dodgy SQL query has gone ape, you can always kill that on the database and release the ColdFusion thread and everything will return to normal. Find the session in SQL like so:  select sq.text,r.session_id,r.status,r.command,r.cpu_time,r.total_elapsed_time from sys.dm_exec_requests r cross apply sys.dm_exec_sql_text(sql_handle) AS sq Then issue the KILL command. KILL 59 -- where 59 is the value from session_id.

Railo vs ColdFusion cfqueryparam and SQL HashBtytes

While testing an application against Adobe ColdFusion vs Railo 4.2.1 ; everything went quite well except for a simple piece of inline SQL for an a legacy appication with a bit HashBytes encryption. Nothing too fancy there, just comparing Hashed String with an inputted string, like so:  .... where hashedkey =HashBytes('SHA1', <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="#variables.unhashedkey#">) Except... The input of HashBytes is a binary. Adobe CF, created the hashedkey (elsewhere) with a cfqueryparam type of  cf_sql_varchar but not cast/ converted as a binary. There was no cf_sql_nvarchar which was added in CF10,   Railo came back with a different results here running this code on each environment: <cfquery name="qryInteresting" datasource="datasource"> select hashbytes('SHA1', 'poodle') nocfqueryparam , hashbytes('SHA1', cast('poodle' as varchar(50) ) ) nocfqueryparamC...