
Showing posts from January, 2016

JVM 1.7 and Coldfusion and Connection Failure

A lot of connection failures were showing up due to servers upgrading their certificates to the latest and greatest versions (256 bit) which (by the looks of things) weren't really working on Java 1.6 (128bit). Anyway, to upgrade CF 9 to 1.7 (1.8 not supported and the server monitor stopped working if this was done); installed Java 1.7, opened up the jvm.config for ColdFusion and changed the path for java.home. Copy of msvcr100.dll from JDK\bin in JRun4\bin Restarted the service and all went well. Then it fell over! Then I restarted the service. Then it fell over... Turns out, need to remove -XX:MaxPermSize=192m  from the jvm params, else preapre for some see sawing! Also, good idea to use the &  -Duser.language= parameters if required, as I ended up constantly getting US set up (despite the OS saying otherwise) Any other Connection Failure issues with these new certificates were resolved by importing missing chains using keytool . ...

keytool & importing new certificates / missing chains for Java

Everyonce in a  while new root certificates come out that ain't trusted by your server. JRun4\jre\bin\keytool -import -keystore \JRun4\jre\lib\security\cacerts -file \somenewcertificate.crt See these links also for the issues these caused with ColdFusion    Remember also if using Coldfusion with a different JVM version, the cacerts is in the JVM version!