Lucee 4.5.2 cfhttp inconsistent timeout response with Adobe Coldfusion
Trying to catch a timeout is alwas a problem, particularly on those jumpy sites that are normally ok, but can be offline for an hour or 2 when the owners is asleep! There is a bug here but it is not quite the same and I do get a correct response if in the example below sleep(4000) was replaced by a=1/0; Suppose a file like so: <cfif structkeyexists(url, "test")> <cfscript>sleep(4000);</cfscript> <cfelse> <cftry> <cfhttp timeout="2" url="http://#cgi.http_host##cgi.script_name#?test" throwonerror="true" result="x" /> <cfcatch type="any"> <cfdump var="#x#" /> <cfdump var="#cfcatch#" /> </cfcatch> </cftry> </cfif> Lucee 4.5.2 produces Struct errordetail string while the cfcatch adds in this s...