Hold on, did I say you could email me? Subscriptions, abandon carts
Card Abandonment processes and the law
We've all been on a website, added something to cart, maybe even started the checkout where you (gasp) put your email or cellphone and are about to pay when ... life gets in the way.
Now, what happens next... the busy marketer on the website has been in contact / went to lunch with a cool start up which has learnt how to capture keystrokes on the web page and has unknowingly to you saved your details to a 3rd party system in possibly another country with different laws, and different protection. The plan... hit you up with a marketing email phrased as an cart abandonment, even may through in a 10% discount code.
What does GDPR have to say about this? Who knows, probably something - but it's a long document.
What does the busy marketer have to say? Nothing, wasn't aware it was a problem, that guy I met lunch said it was good and it only costs me $1500 a month and he said I could get 10 times my investment back.
Let's look at some facts;
- Customer didn't actually ask for this email
- Customer may have already told you to not send marketing emails (it is a marketing email)
Skirting the obvious
So, realistically, the emails are unsolicited and so you can get pinged for that, however, they did disclosed it publicly to your site, so there is that, but that doesn't fly for key stroke capturing.So; how can you get round this;
- have a good story, someone call this the "how we met" flag, if reasonable, you can get away with it
- get the T&Cs in their face right of the bat where you tell'm in small font that you might send this email regardless of their subscription status. May not fly, but hey they're on your site, you told them how it works? right?
I'm still going to do it anyway...
- Cart Content
- Call to action
- Unsubscribe link - and maybe a survey (be sneaky, have them unsubscribe from just abandon cart reminders!!)
- Good copy, graphics, even a video
- A few extra," maybe try these" product recommendations including reviews
- Big up your security and service information
- Some urgency in the email .. just two left... etc
There are lots of good pages on this stuff but this is my favourite and possibly how we should all act with emails:
But wait, what else is happening ....
Besides all that stuff, if the guy from lunch is capturing keystrokes to his 3rd party system, is he capturing my credit card too????
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